We produce coffee in El Salvador and do processing consulting in other countries.

Our project aims to produce great coffees at our own farms and help other farmers produce amazing coffees.

We make these coffees directly available to roasters. 

Right now we are mainly working with El Salvador and Colombian coffees.

Our European distributor is Ruffatti Batlle GmbH. They can deliver our green coffees direct to European & Middle Eastern roasters' doors. 

We are looking for parters in other parts of the world.


Feature 1

The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Fusce at massa nec sapien auctor gravida in in tellus. Maecenas non leo laoreet, condimentum lorem nec, vulputate massa.

Feature 2

The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Donec eget risus diam. Vivamus sit amet semper lacus, in mollis libero.

Feature 3

The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Maecenas non leo laoreet, condimentum lorem nec, vulputate massa.